‘Navy St.’ is a new TV drama set to focus around the focus on the personal and professional lives of coaches and fighters within the world of Mixed Martial Arts.

Frank Grillo will star as the coach of Navy Street, a MMA gym in Venice, California, whose drug addiction prevented him from making it to the big time. You will remember Grillo from the fantastic MMA movie Warrior where he played a coach that was said to be based around real-life coach Greg Jackson.

Sounds good right? Well the casting of Nick Jonas, one of the brothers from the predominantly Disney manufactured band ‘Jonas Brother’, should take those expectations down a peg or two. He will play Grillo’s youngest son who is a shy kid who receives a contract for the UFC but problems with his brother has a massive affect on his life.

The series will be made for Direct TV in the states, no word yet on what the plan is for international release.

Alan’s Angle: The 21-year-old will not be a popular choice amongst MMA fans due to who he is and his past as a straight edge, clean cut, popstar that many will presume knows very little about the sport. His lack of serious acting experience will not help him in his quest to win over MMA fans. I like holding out judgement until I see the finished article but this just seems like an attempt by the producers to boost interest in the show and attract a different audience than the typical MMA demographic.

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