#Bellator158 takes place tonight live from the o2 arena in London and #WHOATV are on hand to bring you live play by play results;
Main Card
Paul Daley Vs Douglas Lima
Welterweight Bout
Round One:
Daley gets tagged and dropped early with a straight left after he went in for an uppercut. Lima on top but Daley works his way back to his feet. Lima works for the takedown but Daley able to defend the double leg. Pressure from Lima early on and the referee breaks them. Daley throws a high kick which misses. Daley gets tagged again but throws some big shots of his own and presses Lima against the cage. Lima able to reverse the position. Daley breaks free. Lima lands a nice left jab. Lima blocks a leg kick. Daley gets countered with another left hand after he over commits to a right hand. Daley lands a big left at the end of the round.
Round Two:
Leg kick from Daley. Lima lands left hook. Big leg kick from Lima but Daley counters with a right hand. Stinging leg kick from Lima. Daley lands a nice left jab. Daley throws and Lima ducks and goes for the takedown, great defence from Daley but Lima has him up against the cage. Daley able to make the break. Daley has Lima up against the cage and shows a big left which gets through the hands of Lima. Lima lands a big right and a knee against the fence which rocks Daley and Daley is backing up. Lima lands another big shot and Daley shoot for a takedown. Lima gets Daley down and lands some big shots from the top. Daley manages to get back to his feet. Lima lands another knee. Daley lands a big left hand of his own. Lima lands a huge right hand and gets the takedown with seconds of the round remaining.
Round Three:
Daley lands left jab but Lima returns with a front kick. Lima lands a big left hook. Daley has some success with a right hand and Lima looked a little rocked and immediately got a takedown. Lima is in the guard of Daley. Lima trying to work into full mount but Daley keeping his legs wrapped around him. Lima doing just enough to stop the referee from standing them up. Daley able to reverse the position but its quick lived as Lima reverses him and is back on top. Daley needs to get the fight standing otherwise Lima will take this one with 45 seconds left.
Douglas Lima def Paul Daley via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Matt Mitrione Vs Oli Thompson
Heavyweight Bout
Round One:
Mitrione lands a huge right which has Thompson in trouble and he follows it up with a few more which presses Thompson against the cage. Thompson able to respond with his own shot and the pair clinch against the cage. Mitrione lands a big knee and then a big right hand which has Thompson hurt. Another knee from Mitrione but Thompson responds with a big right hand. Thompson still coming forward with big flurries and he tries for a takedown but Mitrione shakes him off. Mitrione has Thompson pressed against the cage. Both guys swinging and Thompson connects with a left that rocks Mitrione. Thompson comes forward and goes for a takedown but Mitrione able to throw him off. Mitrione has Thompson pressed against the cage again. Mitrione lands some knees to the body looking to take the steam out of Thompson. Thompson able to reverse and lands a few heavy shots. Mitrione landing on the counter and Thompson presses forward looking for a takedown. Great first round from both Heavyweights.
Round Two:
Thompson bites down on his mouthpiece and comes forward but doesn’t land much. Thompson starts trash talking his opponent. Mitrione lands an inside leg kick. Mitrione looks the fresher of the two half way through the second round and is just landing slightly more. Mitrione unleashes with a combo of punches that pushes Thompson against the cage, Thompson tries to retaliate but his shots are blocked. Mitrione presses Thompson against then cage looking to wear his opponent out. Mitrione lands a left and right and a few more and Thompson crumbles to the ground and the referee stops the action.
Matt Mitrione def Oli Thompson via TKO (strikes) at 4:21 of Round Two
Francis Carmont Vs Lukasz Klinger
Light Heavyweight Bout
Round One:
Carmont shoots early and gets the takedown. Carmont on top of Klinger but not landing any shots, but staying active enough to not have the referee make them stand. Carmont moves into side control and is looking to trap the neck. Carmont locks in a d’arce and gets the choke.
Francis Carmont def Lukasz Klinger via submission (d’arce choke) at 3:51 of Round One
Michael Page Vs Cyborg Santos
Welterweight Bout
Round One:
Page lands a few shots early and Santos already has his back against the cage. Page lands a left side kick and leaps into a takedown but they get back to their feet. Page throws a flying knee but Santos grabs him and takes him down. Page able to pop back up but Santos still has him pressed against the cage and gets another takedown. Page looking to attack the legs and gets hold of the right leg of Santos. Santos able to scramble and gets back into top position. Santos looking to pass guard. Moves into side control.
Round Two:
Page throws a high kick which is blocked then lands a kick which rocks Santos. Page lands a left jab. Toying with Santos now. Page goes for a spinning high kick but narrowly misses. Page pressing the action so far in round two. Throws a spinning kick which is blocked. Santos back tracking in this round so far, doesn’t want to keep it standing. Page lands a hard body kick which hurts Santos. Page goes up with a high kick which is blocked and Santos is noticeably hurt from that body kick. Santos comes in for a punch and Page lands a stunning jumping knee to knock out Santos.
Michael Page def Cyborg Santos via KO (knee) at 4:31 of Round Two
James Gallagher Vs Mike Cutting
Catchweight 148lbs Bout
Round One:
Cutting lands a leg kick. He tries another but Gallagher catches it and takes him down. Gallagher on top and lands short sharp elbows. He moves to the back and gets the hooks in. Gallagher landing shots from the back and is looking to flatten out Cutting. Gallagher sticking to the back of Cutting and Cutting is in a bad position. Gallagher waits for an opening and nearly sneaks an arm under the chin of Cutting. Cutting able to reverse the position but then Gallagher reverses him and it on his back and looking for an armbar. Cutting breaks free and is now on top.
Round Two:
Leg kick from Cutting. Body kick from Cutting gets caught and Gallagher lands a straight right. Cutting throws a spinning kick which lands. Cutting then slips as Gallagher throws a kick. Cutting circling away and Gallagher lands a right hand. Gallagher throws a kick to the body which is blocked. Gallagher presses forward with a left, right combo and gets the takedown. Gallagher looking for an armbar with 30 seconds left. They scramble and Gallagher gets the back. Not enough time left to finish a submission.
Round Three:
Gallagher continues to press the action. Cutting throws a leg kick but eats a right straight. Cutting throws another spinning high kick which grazes the head of Gallagher. Cutting throws the spinning high kick again but Gallagher keeps his hands up to defend it. Gallagher catches a kick and puts Cutting on his back. Gallagher searching for an arm again. Gallagher into side control now looking for a leg to attack.
James Gallagher def Mike Cutting via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Prelim Card
Alex Reid Vs Manuel Garcia
Middleweight Bout
Round One:
Garcia lands a leg kick. Reid pressing forward. Garcia drops and gets a takedown early. Reid looks for an armbar but Garcia able to shake it off. Reid trying to get back to his feet. Garcia has him pressed against the feet and grabs the neck of Reid. Garcia looking to land some knees to the body. Garcia looking for a guillotine but doesn’t have it and lands a few shots to the body. Reid gets back to his feet and Garcia has him pressed against the cage. Reid with a big deep breath. Garcia gets him back down to the ground. Reid back up but Garcia looking for another takedown and he gets it. Garcia takes side control. Garcia landing some shots from the top. Reid again looking for an armbar but Garcia gets out of the position. Reid gets back to his feet with ten seconds to go.
Round Two:
Garcia looking for a takedown but Reid able to stop it from the get go but Garcia pressures him against the cage and gets him down easily. Reid gets back up and lands a few shots to the face against the cage but Garcia changes level and takes him down again. Garcia on top of Reid and Reid really has no answers for Garcia. Reid then able to shift the moment and gets on top of Garcia. Reid throwing shots but of no substance but sees out the round on top position.
Round Three:
Garcia lands a spinning back kick to the head and follows up with a takedown. Reid desperately trying to get to his feet but Garcia has control of the head. Reid eventually able to get up but takes a few knees to the body for his troubles. Garcia shoots again and Reid is on then ground. Reid able to get back to his feet but time is called due to an elbow to the back of the head from Reid. Garcia shoots again and takes down Reid.
Manuel Garcia def Alex Reid via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)
Neil Grove Vs James Mulheron
Heavyweight Bout
Round One:
Hesitant start from both men and Mulheron lands a few leg kicks. Grove lands a left punch and a big leg kick and then swings but misses with a left hand. Grove catch Mulheron with a left and then lands a few left jabs. Mulheron ducks down and lands a huge left hand which drops Grove and follows up with some shots on the ground but Grove able to get back to his feet. The pair clinch and Grove looks to be on wobbly legs but lands a nice knee. Mulheron looking to land another big shot and Grove just throwing some leg kicks. Mulheron lands another big right which shakes Grove. Mulheron goes to the body then head and has Grove pressed against the cage. Mulheron looking loose now and lands another big left which backs up Grove. Grove able to initiate a clinch and lands a knee to the body. Grove goes for a leg kick but gets punched and pushed to the ground. Mulheron on top landing some shots. Grove trying to get back up but Mulheron drops some huge ground and pound on him as the round ends.
Round Two:
Mulheron lands a big right on the chin but Grove returns it with a knee to the face. Mulheron really has to commit to land given the reach advantage. Mulheron throws a spinning back fist which is blocked. Grove lands a big elbow from the clinch and a knee as Mulheron escapes. Mulheron has Grove pressed against the cage and Grove is bleeding from the most. Grove keeps going for the knee which is landing a lot. Grove lands two knees back to back and Mulheron follows up with a big right hand. Mulheron has spent most of this round using Grove against the cage and Grove hasn’t trie to move out of the position. Grove throws an elbow from inside the clinch. Mulheron lands a spinning back elbow.
Round Three:
Mulheron lands a shot to the body and follows up with one to the head. Grove then lands a huge leg kick which drops Mulheron but he is straight back up and has Grove pressed against the cage. Mulheron lands another spinning back fist and then follows up with some punches to the body of Grove. Grove wading forward but he is exhausted and Mulheron pushes him against the cage with ease. Mulheron going to the body again. Mulheron lands a spinning back kick to the body. He goes for another spinning back fist but its blocked this time. Mulheron sees out the rest of the round having Grove pressed against the cage.
James Mulheron def Neil Grove via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)
Danny Mitchell Vs CJ Meeks
Middleweight Bout
Round One:
Strong leg kicks from Meeks to start. Meeks throws another leg kick and Mitchell takes him down. Elbow from Mitchell and Mitchell landing shots from the top. Meeks looking to keep Mitchell close and Mitchell dos move back which allows Meeks to temporarily stand up but Mitchell drops him with a punch and goes back to the top position. Meeks working to get back up and lands a trip on Mitchell and is now on top. Meeks breaks and they stand. Mitchell shoots straight for a takedown and secures it. Meeks desperately trying to get up and Mitchell traps the neck then moves to the back. Mitchell working the back and he locks in a twister for the victory.
Danny Mitchell def CJ Meeks via submission (twister) at 4:23 of Round One
Nathaniel Wood Vs Chase Morton
Featherweight Bout
Round One:
Chase lands a combo early and Wood has him pressed against the cage. Wood looking to trap and the leg and he gets him to the ground. Wood looking to pass the guard of Morton. Wood gets Morton pressed against the cage on the ground and lands a couple of shots. Morton gets back to his feet but Wood has him pressed against the cage again and looks to trap a leg. Wood lands a couple of knees to the leg. Wood drops for a double leg but Morton able to use his height to prevent it. Wood not giving up the position though and stamps on the feet of Morton to try and get some leverage for the takedown. Morton breaks a throws a spinning head kick which misses. Wood throws a leg kick which misses. Wood ends the round with a takedown attempt.
Round Two:
Wood comes out with a leg kick. Wood lands a right and a left as he gets into the pocket. Morton goes for another spinning kick but misses. Wood lands a leading left going in and quickly gets out of the follow up from Morton. Morton catches Wood on the way in with a left hook. They go to exchange and again the smaller man Wood has Morton pressed against the cage. They exchange with one shots but neither man is backing down. Morton then lands a strong left, right punch combo but Wood is pressing forward still. Morton jumps in and Wood tries for a takedown but is thrown off.
Round Three:
Morton lands a few but Wood lands a flurry of clean punches which send Morton back against the cage. Wood continuing to press the pace in the one. Morton goes for a punch but Wood changes levels and goes for a takedown. Wood traps a leg and gets him to the ground. Wood postures up and throws a few shots. Morton tries to get back to his feet but Wood has his head. Morton does get back to his feet although Wood keeps a hold of his head and is looking to trip him again and he manages to. Wood sinks in a guillotine but Morton gets out and is back to his feet. Wood still keeps him pressed against the cage and takes him down again. Wood in full mount and then takes the back looking for a rear naked choke and he gets it.
Nathaniel Wood def Chase Morton via submission (rear naked coke) at 3:55 of Round Three
Jack Mason Vs Jason Radcliffe
Middleweight Bout
Round One:
Radcliffe lands a left and a knee to the body and then one to the face drops Mason within seconds of the bout starting.
Jason Radcliffe def Jack Mason via TKO (knee) at 0:14 of Round One
Luiz Tosta Vs Dean Garnett
Bantamweight Bout
Round One:
Garnett takes the centre of the cage and Tosta is circling around for the first thirty seconds of the round. Tosta throws a body kick which is blocked. Garnett lands a leg kick and follows up with a right punch. Garnett throws and Tosta drops for a takedown they scramble then Tosta pulls guard. Garnett on top in the guard of Tosta. They scramble and Garnett gets to his feet. Garnett lands a few right hands and Tosta fighting off the cage lands a flurry and they go to the ground. Garnett lands a solid shot from the top. Tosta lands a body kick and smiles, Garnett presses forward and presses Tosta against the cage. They remain in this position until the last ten seconds when Tosta breaks and goes for glory with a flying knee.
Round Two:
They start round two smiling at each other and Tosta throws a body shot which is blocked and Garnett has him up against the cage. They finally break and Tosta throws a jumping kick and then a tough leg kick which brings Garnett to his knees, although he is quickly up and pressing Tosta against the cage. Tosta shoots for the takedown but is reversed against the cage. Garnett then drops Tosta with a right and waits for Tosta to get back to his feet and then lands another but he stays standing this time round. Garnett then pushes him against the cage and Tosta is searching for a takedown but again is reversed. Garnett is bleeding from the head but is relentless in pressing Tosta against the cage. Referee calls in the doctor to see to the cut. Fight restarts and Tosta throws some kicks, shoots for a takedown but Garnett takes his back. Garnett then moves position to take mount and the round finishes.
Round Three:
Garnett lands a stiff leg kick to start and Tosta goes with a high kick which is blocked. Garnett lands a straight left and Tosta lands a spinning kick to the body and follows up with a takedown. Tosta moves to side control then into full mount and Garnett is struggling to shake his man off. Tosta lands some shots from the top and Garnett is clinging on. They scramble and Tosta looks to take the back but isn’t able to but is back into full mount. Tosta does briefly take the back but Garnett is able to get out of the position only to land back in the full mount of Tosta. Tosta not doing much damage from top but then goes to attack a leg. Tosta able to take full mount relatively easily and starts to throw some shots and elbows but Garnett is keeping him close enough not to do too much damage.
Luiz Tosta & Dean Garnett fight to a majority draw (29-27, 28-28, 28-28)
Spencer Hewitt Vs Pietro Menga
Flyweight Bout
Round One:
Menga catches Hewitt coming in with a right and throws a few strong leg kicks. Menga pressing the action and drops him clean with a straight left and knocks him out.
Pietro Menga def Spencer Hewitt by KO at 0:41 of Round One
Mike Shipman Vs Dom Clark
Middleweight Bout
Round One:
Shipman lands a combo of punches to start off and Clark is controlling the centre of the cage. Shipman comes forward with a flurry and lands a knee to the body. They clinch and Shipman throws a knee to the head and then body and Clark goes down. Some ground and pound results in Clark scrambling to get up but gets caught in a submission and quickly taps.
Result: Mike Shipman def Dom Clark via submission (anaconda choke) in Round One